Sunday, March 31, 2013

Originally- B2sT to BeAST

And they are Awesome. (@,@)

Originally the group were known as B2ST (Boys to Search for Top). However, their name was changed to BEAST (Boys of EAST Standing Tall), a couple of days before they debuted.

They're one of my fav artist. Kalu perlu ranking dorang ni yang ke berapa. Well they are FIRST !
Hua Hua.

Why? Since all of them are talented. 
Honestly, I like them because of they can sing live. 

And they're fun !

Mungkin realitinya aku tak tahu. tapi most of dorang punya variety show are fun. 
We can feel their close relationship with each other.
The best thing, dorang start dari bawah eventhough kene reject dari satu company ke satu company but they never give up and still keep trying. sampaila they finally got their own group.

Dan bila dorang berada diatas, they prove that they are 'TALENTED". Indeed they success! 

and me as a fan,

Will always Support You Guys ! & Keep it Up !

p/s: Baru tahu Huh Gak under Cube Ent. Aigoo. *Lambat

If You Could Understand.

I could fill a thousand pages telling you how i felt and still you would not understand.

So now i leave without a sound, except my heart shattering as it hits the ground.

p/s: I'm listening "Rain Sound" by B.A.P. Seriously that song is really awesome with meaningful lyrics.

*Suitable for the broken heart. =) smile!

Melo drama


I silently sit and think about us and how we became this way
I sit still and close my eyes and think of you, your face and us, two
I pace back and forth again and think about us and how became this way
We can never turn it back now, arent we? 

What to do, What to do ?
It might all be over, it can never be turned around but
It can’t be, don’t say that you’re not confident, What do I do?
I miss you, I miss you more, I miss you like crazy
I’m filled with your memories and I miss you like this
I love you, I love you, I love you like crazy
I whisper, that I’m okay, and keep whisper, I’m okay
As I look at the night sky, I remember you, who I can’t erase

Inspired by Monodrama-Huh Gak.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Warkah Terakhir Anggota Keselamatan

Hayati warkah ini.

Wahai Isteriku, maafkan abang
seandainya abang tersalah cakap
mahupun terkasar perbuatan.
Jagalah dan didiklah anak-anak kita
menjadi orang yang berguna.

Wahai anak-anakku, maafkan ayah
kerana acapkali ayah tiada di saat anak-anak
ayah memerlukan kasih sayang seorang ayah.
Wahai mak dan abah, ampunkan anakmu dari
hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki, sesungguhnya
mak dan abah telah mendidik aku menjadi insan
yang berguna pada negara.

wahai ibu dan ayah mertuaku,
maafkan anakanda kerana memilih
kerjaya yang memungkinkan anak ibu
dan ayah menjadi balu sebelum usia.

Oh Malaysiaku, maafkan aku andai
aku gugur di medan perang
Demi Allah aku telah berusaha sedaya-upaya.

p/s: Disaat kita gembira sini bersama keluarga tercinta, 
ada segelintir mereka yang risau & khuatir keadaan ahli keluarga di sana.
TERIMA KASIH kerana berkorban untuk negara dan keselamatan rakyat !
Semoga kita bersama2 mendoakan keselamatan &
kesejahteraan perajurit2 kita di sana.

Duhai Pencipta Sanubari

p/s: Untuk KAMU.



Hello, nama saya SCHOOL.
Saya Letih, saya letih berfikir apa yang saya buat sehingga letih.
Saya Kenyang, saya Kenyang sambil hati Girang.
dan sekarang..saya nak "take a nap. Take a N.A.P."

p/s: makhluk paling nakal dekat rumah. SCHOOL (diambil sempena nama kucing K.Yana). ngah3.

Friday, March 29, 2013

The First

"BLoG is a website on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information and etc on a regular basis"

i was thinking on...
what should i write?
regarding on what topic?

but now i'm..."BLANK!" 

p/s : bukan finger je crack tapi otak pun crack. AHA.